Why has Carla & Company rebranded to Likewise? 

Over the past few years, we’ve grown in more ways than one. We’ve added talented team members, moved into a new office space, and fostered strong connections with incredible clients and partners. The name “Likewise” captures the essence of our collaborative spirit and our commitment to achieving mutual success with everyone we work with.

It’s also a familiar word for us! Around the office, “Likewise” has become one of our go-to phrases, and it perfectly represents our philosophy—finding common ground and building lasting relationships with our clients and the broader commercial real estate community.

While our look and name are evolving, everything you enjoy about working with us remains the same. Our team, led by Carla Barnard as Broker-In-Charge, will continue to provide the same high level of service, expertise, and professionalism you’ve come to expect. And of course, our admin team is here to help with any questions you might have during this transition.

Our website will soon redirect to, and during the transition, you can still reach us at our current email addresses—those won’t change just yet.

We’re excited about this next chapter, and you’ll soon start seeing our new branding and signage around town! If you have any questions or just want to connect, don’t hesitate to reach out.

  • Listing agents earn a commission that is paid by the landlord. It varies by brokerage firm.
  • Tenant brokers are typically paid by the landlord, via the listing agent (a 50/50 split is common).
  • The tenant broker’s payment is worked out between the landlord and the listing agent. Your broker will confirm how they are being paid.
  • It is rare in our market that a tenant has to pay commission. Always ask plenty of questions at the beginning so you are both on the same page.

Yes! Here is a link to our Preferred Vendors List.

  • Funding: How will you finance your project? Where are you in the process? If you’re a new business, do you have a business plan?
  • Location: Ideal Locations; Locations to avoid
  • Your timeline
  • Square footage needs, minimum and maximum
  • Budget for rent
  • Budget for up-fitting the space to your needs
  • Parking requirements
  • Accessibility needed to major intersections, roads or Interstates? Walkable?
  • How many customers and staff will be in the space at its busiest times?
  • How many bathrooms?
  • How many drains?
  • How much space needs to be heated and cooled?
  • Visibility and signage
  • Whether you’re looking to sell or lease, you’ll need to provide your broker with the following information:
  • Address/location of your property
  • The type of property you own (land, retail, office, industrial, multi-family, etc.)
  • Approximate size (square feet, for buildings, or acres for land)
  • Any income statements and financials for the property, if applicable
  • Basic property history and how long you’ve owned it for
  • If a business or organization owns the property, which representative will need to sign the documents?
  • Approximate age of the roof, HVAC system, and any other major updates that have been done on the property
  • Current utility providers
  • Recent utility, insurance, and maintenance bills
  • The approximate amount you owe for any loans on the property
  • If selling, would you be open to seller financing? Are there any types of financing you’re not open to?
  • If leasing, are there any types of businesses that you are opposed to leasing the space to?
  • Costar/Loopnet
  • Crexi
  • MLS
  • Signage
  • Email blasts

We commonly are approached by tenants who are working with multiple brokers or who have previously seen properties with other brokers. Due to NC Licensing Law your NC broker cannot “poach” a client nor work with someone who has signed an exclusive agreement with another broker.

On a practical note, tenants who use multiple brokers tend to have much less success in finding space as the brokerage community can perceive them to be aligned with others.

A good broker is loyal to their client and will go out of their way to find a space for their client before thinking of non-clients.

Signing an agreement with a broker isn’t required for leasing, selling, or buying property. While a tenant broker is helpful, there’s always a small chance that you’ll end up having to pay commission. 

If you’d also like to look for commercial real estate properties yourself, you can find commercial real estate listings on such websites as Commercial Real Estate Listing Service or LoopNet.

The only benefit of not using a broker for buying or leasing a space is that there’s no chance of paying a commission. Otherwise, it’s probably best to use a tenant
broker. However, if you choose to look for yourself, you’ll have to conduct the following without the help on an experience broker:

• Finding new listings
• Find off-market opportunities
• Set up walk-throughs
• Submit an LOI
• Negotiate and execute the lease

  • Listing Agent – Brokers who represent the landlord or seller of a property. This means that the listing agent always has a duty to act in the best interest of the owner of the property.
  • Buyer’s Agent – Brokers who represent a buyer that is looking to purchase property. This means that a buyer’s agent always has a duty to act in the best interest of the buyer.
  • Tenant Broker – Brokers who represent tenants. Tenant brokers represent tenant interests and owe their fiduciary duties and duties of confidentiality to their tenant client, not the landlord.

Get Your FREE Strategy Session

Whether you’re buying, selling, or leasing, you need a plan for making the best decisions, adapting to changes, and maximizing your business’s potential. Fill out the form below and get your free strategy session to start working on that plan. No sales pitch. No pressure. Just valuable information and advice.

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Likewise is an independently owned and operated real estate company.

Designed and Developed by BRANDco.